
When That Which Is Perfect Has Come


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This short document interprets 1 Co. 13 exclusively from its context and thereby shows Paul’s meanings of verses 8-12. Understanding Paul’s words reveals he dealt with the immediate Corinthian conflicts without any reference to the conclusion of certain gifts, the completion of canonical NT writings, the Second Coming of the Lord, or our eternal state in heaven. What the Apostle said in the chapter provides an undeniable revelation of God’s love–or its lack–in our own hearts. The paper explains the three steps in Paul’s reasoning as seen in verses 1-3 and applies the pattern to verses 8-12. When his thinking is seen clearly, the conflict among proponents of the various views find a common ground of understanding. Each person can continue believing certain gifts either ceased or will continue throughout ages. But each view will lose 1 Corinthians as support for the view.


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